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Today, Ziggurat Interactive, publisher of multiplatform retro and modern games, is pleased to announce that the fantastic flying fun of this Megafortress Collection is the latest Retro First release! Get ready to take on challenging air assault missions in this collection that features the original Megafortress, plus its two expansions: Operation Sledgehammer and Operation Skymaster.
In the Megafortress Collection, players can jump into the cockpit of an experimental B-52 bomber that is nearly invisible to destroy heavily fortified enemy installations. Assume multiple roles, including Pilot, Navigator, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Offensive Weapons Officer while engaging in strategic air assaults on location in historic battlefronts around the world.
The two expansions add even more aviation fun in the form of 46 additional missions across the globe. These missions feature new enemy targets, including terrorist training camps, chemical weapons facilities, nuclear research plants, amphibious vessels and ships. In addition, the expansions feature new weapons including the CBU-95 FAE and Penguin MK 3 anti-ship missile, and new enemy defenses like the Chinese HQ-61 SAM system.
Megafortress Collection is now available on Steam and GOG. For a limited time, pick it up for a 33% discounted price!

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